February 13, 2016, north of France, the prefecture of «Pas-de-Calais» announces the dismantling of the southern part of the camp of « la Lande de Calais » also known as the Jungle. For more than a month, refugees, associations and law enforcement cohabit as well as they can, each surviving at their own degree to a situation they did not choose. By night, refugees keep trying to reach England, by day police forces enters to the camp. However, if the tension is constant, palpable, the days are still made of those hollow moments during which we wait, observe, meditate and wander once the storm has ended.
13 février 2016, la préfecture du Pas-De-Calais annonce le démantèlement de la partie sud du camp de la Lande de Calais. Pendant plus d’un mois refugiés, associatifs et forces de l’ordre cohabitent tant bien que mal, chacun survivant à son degré à une situation qu’il n’a pas choisi. Si la tension est constante, palpable, le quotidien reste pourtant fait de ces moments creux durant lesquels on patiente, s’observe, médite et déambule une fois l’orage passé.